Thursday, October 29, 2015

What is UHT milk and what are its advantages

Milk is naturally packed full of nutrients - so much more than just calcium. We all need the nutrients that milk can provide for strong bones and teeth. Kids particularly need nutrients as their bones are growing so rapidly. Adults need the nutrients to help slow the bone loss that occurs naturally with ageing.

UHT milk
Ultra-high temperature processing (UHT), sterilizes food by heating it above 135 °C (275 °F) – the temperature required to kill spores in milk - for 1 to 2 seconds. UHT is most commonly used in milk production, but the process is also used for fruit juices, cream, soy , milk, yogurt, wine, soups, honey, and stews. UHT milk was first developed in the 1960s and became generally available for consumption in the 1970s.

The heat used during the UHT process can cause Maillard browning and change the taste and smell of dairy products.

UHT milk technology
Shelf safe milk is what the industry calls UHT or Ultra High Temperature, meaning that the milk has been pasteurized at a higher temperature, but for a shorter time, to preserve taste and nutrition. UHT Milk is the most common product, but the process is also used for fruit juices (juice boxes), cream, soy milk, wine, soups and broth.

In UHT treatment, milk is exposed to brief, intense heating to temperatures in the range of 275-284 degrees Fahrenheit for only three seconds. Most importantly, UHT treatment is a continuous process which takes place in a closed system that prevents the product from being contaminated by airborne micro-organisms.

The UHT milk Singapore passes through heating and cooling stages in quick succession, and is then immediately put into a sterile Tetra Pak shelf-safe carton. This process avoids any re-infection. The end result is a product that lasts up to six months without refrigeration or preservatives. This is known in the industry as aseptic milk packaging.

What is pure milk?
Pure milk is milk from cows, goats, sheep, or other animals that has not been pasteurized, as opposed to UHT milk.

Whole Milk
Some people drink whole milk and eat full-fat yogurt, cream cheese, and sour cream because full-fat dairy products taste better than the skim/fat-free versions. But when it comes to whole milk, you should drink non-homogenized when you can. Homogenization is the technique of crushing milk fat globules into droplets too small to rise to the surface in a cream layer. More information about whole milk Singapore here.

Advantages of UHT milk
1. Preserved taste and nutrition - It has been pasteurized at a higher temperature to preserve taste and nutrition
2. Prevent products from contamination - Using UHT treatment prevents the products from being contaminated by  airborne micro-organisms
3. Increase product shelf life - The product shelf life is longer and can last up to six months without refrigeration or preservatives.